
Animalia Epilogue: PrussiaxReader

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She went to her feet and ran towards to the figure that looked to be her mother, her hair, her skin, her eyes, they were there, and everything about her was there. Her mother held her hands open out wide and (Name) ran right into her and hugged her. She cried into her chest and gripped her tight.

Yao slowly rose and saw what (Name) was doing, he was about to go save her when someone put their hand on his shoulder, he turned and saw his father. Yao couldn’t believe his eyes, tears weld up and he tried so hard to hold them back.

“It’s alright son it’s us, it’s really us.”

Soon everyone were face to face with their parents, they couldn’t believe it, some didn’t question it others were too wary to approach.

“Mom is it really you?” (Name) asked. There was a heavenly glow around her, behind her a man who had the same eyes as her.

“Papa?” She went and hugged him. He hugged her back they both had glows around them, and they were both so warm.

“It’s us, Baby Girl.”

“B-but how?”

“We access with permission to see you but only once, we felt like now would be the best time,” her mother explained. (Name) looked at her parents and her father wiped the tears from her eyes.

“So you aren’t really here,” she said with disappointment. Her mother kissed her on her head and brushed her hair back.

“Baby, I know you miss us and we miss you two but-

“You need to make your own story.”

Gilbert was watching (Name) with her parents she looked so happy, he was happy that she was happy. He freaked out a bit because someone tasseled his hair from behind, only one person did that.

He turned around and was face to face with his father, his hair was like his but blond and he had blue eyes like everyone else in his family. Gilbert didn’t know what to feel, he just never thought he would ever see his father again.

“Well aren’t going to say anything, I mean I am kind of back from the dead,” his father held his arms out for a hug. Gilbert’s eyes finally weld up with tears.

“God why are you such a dork,” Gilbert wrapped his hands around him and cried into his chest. His father held him in a tight hug.

“Oh my son, my strong son, you won, just. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks Dad.”

“Oh my baby, my sweet little Luddy look how big you’ve grown! Oh my baby!” Gilbert and his father turned and saw Gilbert’s mother smothering Ludwig with hugs and kisses, she like her husband had a glow as well.

“Yes, thank you Mother, I-I yes, Mother! You can stop now.” He held her hands and place, she smiled and nodded and look to Gilbert. He gulped trying to hold back tears when his father hit him in the back to the head.

“Don’t just stand there give your mother a hug.”

Gilbert rubbed the back of his head, and walked over to his mother, he and Ludwig were both taller than her, he hugged her hand she gripped him, like he was going to disappear.

“I have never been more proud in you boys, watching you two work together, and win, is what being a mother of two strong boys is about.”

“M-Mom, don’t say that you’re going to cry again,” Gilbert began to cry into her shoulder. She rubbed her back and shushed him trying to stop him from sobbing.

“Mommy!” Feliciano ran to his mother, and hugged her. She looked like the both of them if they were female and their father had their grandfather’s features. Lovino went over to them keeping his distance.

“Oh Feli, my boy, you are so strong saving your brother and then defeating Krum, oh my baby,” their mother looked up and smiled at Lovino. She held her hand out and his father out a hand on her shoulder. He slowly walked towards them and he took her hand, tears fell down his face and tried to keep a stoic look.

“W-we n-needed you know, a-and you weren’t,” he got chocked up and couldn’t finish his sentence; they all pulled together in a group hug.

“Oi, that can’t be old Caterpillar face with a scar deeper than the rest, I thought he would get his pampered spoiled panties in a bunch he wouldn’t even be in this fight.” Arthur turned and saw, Allistor grinning at him alongside with, Ian, Oliver, and Cody. Arthur was frozen; his brother whom he lost was standing there, in the flesh. Peter cried and ran over to all of them.

“Hey Pete!” Cody picked him up and Peter cried into his shoulder.

“I’m sorry that you left because of me! I’m so sorry!” Cody rubbed peter’s back trying to calm him down.

“Pete, you can’t blame yourself for that, it wasn’t your fault,” Oliver said patting him on the head.

Arthur swaggered up to them and scowled at them all; he crossed his arms and gave them a disapproving look.

“So tell me, where are mother and father?” He said with boredom. Allistor rolled his eyes and knew what he was doing. Arthur was too stubborn to admit that he missed all of them.

“They said it would be better if we were here instead of them, actually it was Mumsy’s idea Da just went along with it, you know how they be.”

“’They are’, the correct term is ‘they are’. My God Allistor speak properly, how you are older than me if you can’t even speak properly?”

“Oh stop the act you missed us,” Ian snickered.

“Hardly, with you constantly trying to break into the local bar, Oliver constantly leaving not even wanting to settle a matter, Allistor and his mouth, and Cody with his insufferable obsessions with bugs and things that crawl and end up in my bed, I can’t say that I really missed you.” He looked away from them, sticking his nose up in the air, he looked back to them then back to the sky.

“Just out of curiosity, why don’t you all have that glow like everyone else?”

“Because unlike everyone else little brother, we are here to stay, along with him.”

A white light appeared in the middle of them and Leon slowly appeared he looked around wondering what he was doing here. That didn’t last long until Kiku and Im tackled him to the ground.

“You’re alive, you’re here!” Mei and Yao all ran to him and piled on the dog pile. Arthur looked back to Allistor and his brothers with shock.

“S-so you’re really alive, all of you?” Arthur asked, losing his will.

Allistor smirked, “Ay laddy, we are alive, we got permission from a higher power, and so you’re stuck with us again.”

“Well that’s wonderful,  now instead of only Alfred, Mathew and Peter I have to worry about, I have to deal with you four,” Arthur couldn’t hold it anymore tears, streamed down his face but he continued to rant, “I really couldn’t care less.”

Allistor pulled him into a hug and Arthur cried silently into his chest.

Ivan, Katayushka, and Natalia were met with their parents, their father took a stoic face, but their mother was emotional.

“My children, my strong children.” She dried her tears. She lightly hit their father in the arm, “Congratulate your children, they just help defeated on of the biggest powers in the universe.”

“It would’ve been better they had done it without the help of others,” their father said. All three of them got discouraged; it was hard to impress their father.

“Same old, same old, right father?” Ivan mumbled.

Their father grunted and looked away from them, he and Ivan really didn’t get along, “You really do have nightmares about us dying?” He asked. Ivan looked at him glancing from side to side and nodded slowly.

“Almost every night.” He sighed. His father pulled him into a hug surprising him. His father began to cry.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t much a father.” Ivan was almost as tall as him and he couldn’t believe his ears, it had been way too long since he got a hug, his sister joined in as well as their mother.

“You are a great father.”

Soon everyone was reunited with their parents; there were many tears, hugs kisses words that needed to be said.

“I just find it great that throughout the whole thing you managed to get a girl, that’s my boy,” Gilbert’s father nudged him. Gilbert blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

“Ehehe, yeah well I—

“What are you doing here go and kiss her I want to see you be a man!”

(Name) and her family looked over in their direction, this is where Gilbert got his voice from, and it carried.

“Shush! They will hear you!” Gilbert hissed.

“And what about you Ludwig, do you have someone you care about?” Their mother asked.

“Uh well,” Ludwig looked over to Feliciano and Lovino then back to his mother, “I may, but you might not,” he didn’t want to finish. He blushed madly and his mother put a hand on his check.

“Whatever you choose I understand,” she smiled. He smiled back to her and nodded, and then his father slapped him on the back.

“That’s my boy, going by his own path making his own decisions!”

“I did raise him to think like that.” They looked to the sky and saw Aldrich and Romulus flying down to them Romulus flew to Feliciano and Lovino while Aldrich stayed with his family.


“Yes Anakin it’s me,” their father wrapped his arms his father.

“I’m just so happy to see you all again,” (Name) said drying her tears, “Even it’s only for a little while.”

“We are just so proud, my little girl. My Goodness have you grown, you were once this little girl afraid to let go of my finger, and now you you’re just so strong!” Her mother exclaimed.

“And you’re going to be Queen right?” Her father asked. (Name) and her mother looked to him.

“Well you and Gilbert are getting married right?”

“Dear I don’t think their ready for that yet.” Her mother tried to say.

“Nonesense. Anakin!” He called to Gilbert’s father; (Nam) face went a thousand shades of red.

“Dad please don’t—

“These two should get married now right!?”

Gilbert went wide eyed and blushed he looked straight at (Name) and she just tried to hide behind her mother.

“Of course they should get married we need a new kingdom, in fact Gilbert come here,” Anakin grabbed Gilbert’s arm and begun to drag him, (Name)’s father grabbed her from behind her mother and dragged her too.

“Dad, dad please no, don’t MOM!”

“Oh come on Dad, everyone is watching, don’t so this to me. This isn’t the least bit awesome, stop please you are so weird.”

They finally met each other in the middle and they pushed (Name) and Gilbert into each other. They backed away from each other, and were blushing madly; yes they kissed before but in front of their parents?

“Come on if you won’t ask her to marry you then kiss her.” Gilbert’s father ordered.

“I-I can’t kiss her!”

“Why is there something wrong with my daughter?” (Name)’s father asked glaring at him.

“N-no, it’s just that—

“There is nothing wrong with your daughter, it’s just that maybe she really isn’t the one for my son.” Gilbert’s father said snidely.

“Excuse me I have you know that any man would be lucky to have my daughter grace their presence.”

“Dad please stop.”

“I remember my son defeating one of the most dangerous Echo single handedly!”

“Dad come on, please!”

“Hmm after my daughter defeated a human that accepted the Echo power single handedly!”

“Oh hell, this will shut them up!”

Gilbert took (Name) by the shoulders and pulled her into a kiss, she squeaked, and was so embarrassed that her father was behind her, yet she melted him the kiss, and wrapped her arms around him. They parted and looked into each other’s eyes; the moment was ruined by their fathers.

“There that wasn’t that hard, now was it?” The both said.

Then their mothers came a scolded them loudly, Gilbert and (Name) were covered in a curtain of embarrassment.

Suddenly Ivan’s mother looked at her hands and she began to blur, she smiled softly and sighed.

“Mother?” Natalia asked noticing her hands, “What’s wrong?”

“We have to go my sunflowers.”

“Go but—

“Natalia, we can’t stay forever, our time has ended, but yours is just beginning.”

Their family took one last group hug, and then they faded. One by One they all faded, Lilly tried so hard to keep her mother their but eventually she was gone. Roderich comforted Elizabeta, and Francis had to try to get Alfred and Mathew to stop crying.

Sadiq still never got to see his real parents but Hercules’s mother was all he needed. Yao and his siblings said their farewells, and welcomed home their long lost brother. Arthur was relieved that he was done for good byes and had his brothers back, along with Peter.

“Good bye, son. You’re doing great, don’t worry. Your brother will be there and have some strong friends to back you up.”

“I will thanks Dad.”

“Ludwig please keep your brother out of trouble, Aldrich that goes for you as well.”

“Keeping him on watch is a full time job.”
“Oh but you were doing so well so far.”

Aldrich scoffed and smiled, the Beilschmidt had one final group hug then they were gone.

“Lovino, keep your brother safe, and try to be nicer to him, please?”

Lovino pouted and nodded, “Fine, but don’t expect any promises.”

“Lovino listen to your mother. Feliciano I would tell you to stay close to your brother, but I know you can handle yourself, but always watch for him, got that?”

“Yes dad.”

“Don’t worry daughter of mine, I’ll watch over them,” Romulus said.

“Of course you will, because if you don’t when you die, you’ll have to deal with me.”

All the men gulped, their mother was someone you didn’t want angry, “Y-yes ma’am.”

They joined for anther hug and they faded, Feliciano dried his tears and leaned his head on Romulus’s shoulder.

“It’s okay Feli.”

(Name) hugged her parents and felt them fading, “I love you guys.”

“And we love you.”

Then they were gone, Gilbert held her hand and she hugged him.

“Oh Mathias don’t cry, it’s going to be fine,” Tino said. Mathias was sitting on the floor crying, trying to dry his tears.

“B-But I don’t know anything about being King, why did they have to tell me I was King. I can’t take my father’s place.”

“Hey we were knighted by your father we’ll back you up,” Lukas said rubbing his back.

“Quit your blubbering, you’re a King not a baby,” Emil said rolled his eyes.

“I know it’s just that, I love you guys so much, you’re like brothers to me!”

“Oh brother,” Berwald face palmed.

Gilbert shook his head and chuckled to himself, he kissed (Name) on the check and held her tight.

*A few months later*

“I never would’ve thought that the humans would be so kind to build us an actual castle!”

(Name) said sitting on the railing balcony of her new castle, in the new district of Germany. Gilbert flew up next to her, sat next to her and placed his hand on hers.

“Yeah, and Mathias a castle at the coast of Denmark, and Elizabeta and Roderich a castle in Austria!”

“I had no idea that the humans would be so great full.”

“Well we did save them from an alien invasion.”

“True, now what are we going to call the new district, we still need a name, I mean when you start going to the UN Meetings, they are going to have to call you something.”

Gilbert looked up at the sky and thought, “Call me……THE MIGHTY AWESOME PRUSSIA!”

(Name) giggled and kissed him on the cheek, “Maybe just Prussia, I don’t think those big tough UN politicians can handle that much awesomeness.”

She leaned in she was inches away from his lips, he chuckled and she felt his warm breath on her lips.

“Only one can handle my awesomeness.”

“And who would that be?” She smiled.

“My Queen.”

And they sealed the day with a kiss.

The end is here! It's done, I had a lot of fun writing it! And I hope you guys had fun reading it thank you so much for the support, now what should I write next, please any requests you may have note me, okay?

I don't own Hetalia!

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Thank you so much for reading!
© 2013 - 2024 findmyface
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Queen-of-the-Pride's avatar
This story was amazing, all the way from the beginning to the end. That ending was so great and unexpected. I'm sad to see such a great story come to an end, but happy at the same time because it was such a awesome and unique story :iconfeelsplz:

And also, was that a mulan reference i noticed? (General Shang of China)